Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Jane Launders Money in Budapest

5 June 2012
In full fledge travel space-out mode, Jane laundered an unspecified amount of American currency in the Whirlpool mini-washer in our Budapest apartment.  Rather than hang the bills on the drying rack with the rest of the laundry, we elected to let them air dry while we hopped back on and off the tenuous tourist bus and took a quick sail on the not so blue Danube.  This provided an nice perspective on a city rebuilt on its old footprint in the wake of 19th century floods and 20th century bombing. 

Keeping with the theme of WW II devastation we visited the Great Synagogue, and the graves and memorials of the far too many people who did not survive. 


  1. Ahh mom the accountant! Keep 'em clean!

  2. Good thing you didn't wash an Australian $, it would have melted.
